1985 - 2018

The USSR entered an era of transition in 1985. The first five years, known as “perestroika”, were a time of hope, when reforms were expected to culminate in a smooth transition to stability and prosperity for society. However, the upshot of inadequate political leadership led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and a steep degradation of living standards. The country's predicament could not but have an impact on the system of higher education. Systematic underfunding and nonpayment of salaries became the norm for universities in St. Petersburg and throughout the post-Soviet sphere. Having borne and endured the “Rakish 90s”, Russia only rose from a deep abyss around the turn of the century. The widespread sense of insecurity faded as chaos gave way to order and structure. To their credit, institutions of higher education managed to keep staff, maintain academic standards, and preserve essential laboratory equipment. As before, Saint Petersburg once again became a significant educational center where professionals in science and industry were trained as these fields recovered.

Anatoly Sergeevich Dudyrev, a prominent scientist who devoted his life to serving his alma mater, headed the Institute of Technology in 1985. His name is connected with a major expansion of Technolozkha's classroom space. Due to a shortage of auditoriums in the mid-1980s, classes concluded at 10 p.m. on weekdays and at about 6 p.m. on Saturdays. A.S. Dudyrev managed to arrange for the removal of dilapidated buildings on university grounds and the construction of new ones in their place, thereby eliminating the problem of overcrowding.

In 1988, the building on 7th Krasnoarmeyskaya Street  reopened after extensive renovations thanks to A.S. Dudyrev’s efforts.  In 1990 a new 6-story facility was built on the main campus to house the university's main library. Simultaneously, a 16-story dormitory on Stoikosty Street was put into service. A significant accomplishment of A.S. Dudyrev was ensuring the Institute preserved all objects of state ownership, along with the student contingent and the teaching staff, throughout the tough era of economic reforms in the early 1990s.

The late 1980s are known as “Perestroika” in Soviet history. It was a moment of high hopes, when life seemed to be going in all the right directions. It was also a period of intense political interest. Society has indeed never been more engaged in social and political matters.
The Institute of Technology was not immune to the stormy times of Perestroika. From 1989 until 1991, the city and region were administered by LLIT graduate B.V. Gidaspov, who was the first secretary of the CPSU's Leningrad Regional Committee and a well-known scientist and research policymaker.
Nina Andreyeva, who was a lecturer at the Institute of Technology, rose to national prominence on account of her article titled “I won't compromise my principles”, in which she launched a public critique of Perestroika for the first time.
V.E. Schnittke and V.V. Iofe, both LLIT graduates, became human rights advocates and the founders of the Memorial Society, which was dedicated to preserving the memory of victims of political repression. In response to the Society's formal request, the local administration decided to build a memorial to honor the victims of persecution in our city in 1990.

With the fall of the Soviet Union, the Institute of Technology not only lost a substantial portion of its state financing as an educational institution, but it also lost a significant portion of the orders it previously received from branch ministries. Support for previously prioritized research projects dwindled.
From the mid-1990s on, the Institute's staff participated in competitions for the execution of scientific and technical projects and grants. This enabled Technolozhka to identify prospects for future growth in the changing political and economic environment.

The Institute of Technology was granted university status and a new name in 1993. The shift in status did not necessitate major changes: Technolozhka had been teaching top-level experts in chemistry, mechanics, engineering, and economics for decades. Many alumni pursued post-graduate studies and successfully defended their dissertations. Apart from teaching and training future specialists, the departments and laboratories also acted as prolific research hubs. Consequently, the Institute of Technology met all the requirements for an institution of its type.

It was decided that Technolozhka ought to preserve the name “Institute of Technology” that it had for the previous 165 years. It has been formally known as "Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University)" since 1993.
The internal organization of the university was modified as a result of the university's new status. Eight faculties, including Economics and Management, and three course formats (full-time, part-time, evening) were established, all designed to train specialists capable of succeeding in the changing realities of the national economy. New socio-economic departments emerged: Sociology, Management and Marketing, and Finance and Statistics.

The Department was established in connection with the introduction of sociology into the curriculum in 1994. The first head of the department was an Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Philosophy and Professor A.V. Klyuev. The Department, which falls under the Faculty of Economics and Management, organizes training courses for all other faculties of the Institute. It offers undergraduate study programs in Sociology, Psychology and Political Science. Master programs include Modern Learning Technologies. Teachers at the Department place a high value on the provision of textbooks and instructional materials. The Department has published numerous textbooks and exercise books on subjects relating to sociology, psychology, political science, and modern learning technologies. The Department's own anthology, titled “Introduction to Sociology”, was presented at international book fairs in Frankfurt (2016) and London (2017). Currently, the Department of Sociology undertakes research on human psychology in social and political contexts, higher education psychology and pedagogy, extreme psychology, and ethnoconflictology. One of the Department’s key tasks is the organization and conduct of sociological research. In recognition of significant accomplishments in the development of domestic education, the faculty were collectively awarded the “Golden Chair of Russia” diploma in 2016 by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAE). Today, the Department is headed by Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor O.V. Vasina (Halliste).

  • Modern learning technologies
  • Political science
  • Psychology
  • Psychology and pedagogy of higher education

The Department was founded in 1995 as a collaborative venture with the University of Wittenberg (Germany). Its primary research areas include corporate governance theory and practice, innovation management, and industrial marketing theory and practice. The Department has created a one-of-a-kind portfolio of training courses for Russian universities, covering a wide range of programs and levels of training in production and finance management, marketing, and logistics. Recognizing the role of textbooks, manuals, and methodology in teaching, the teachers of the Department put in substantial effort to publish new material. The Department's academic programs follow the most recent federal and state educational regulations and employ curricula that allow for high-quality, targeted training of bachelors in all areas. A vast number of methodological recommendations for students of the Faculty of Economics and Management, as well as students of chemical and technological specializations, have been produced and published by the Department’s staff. Today, the Department is headed by Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Full Member of the International Academy of Environmental and Safety Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor P.P. Taburchak.

  • Analysis and diagnostics of financial and economic activities
  • Assessment of the competitiveness of organizations
  • Basics of financial control
  • Basics of logistics
  • Business planning
  • Corporate finance
  • Crisis management
  • Customs logistics
  • Distribution logistics
  • Documentation of management activities
  • Economic assessment of investments
  • Economy of the enterprise (organization)
  • Enterprise planning
  • Environmental management
  • Finance
  • Financial management
  • Financial markets, securities markets and financial institutions
  • Financial risk management and insurance
  • Financial statements of the organization
  • Foreign languages in business
  • Information technology in management
  • Innovation management
  • International financial reporting standards
  • Investment management
  • Logistics of foreign trade activities
  • Logistics of supply and sales
  • Management theory
  • Methods of management decision-making
  • Money, credit, banks
  • Organization of business
  • Organization of production
  • Project management
  • Quality management
  • Securities transactions
  • Strategic management

The Department was founded in 1996 by an outstanding scientist and educator, Doctor of Economics and Professor P.P. Taburchak. Professor A.R. Mamatkazin, who was a prominent scientist and specialist in finance and statistics, led the Department from its inception until 2002. He managed to bring the Department to the forefront of the faculty in terms of both teaching quality and the volume of published educational and methodological literature. The Institute has traditionally placed a high value on the study of statistics and finance. Lecturers included some great specialists, such as Professor I.V. Vernadsky of Saint Petersburg University who gave lectures on statistics from 1862 to 1868. 
The Department now offers statistics and finance training. The training takes into account the speed of contemporary economic growth and the demands it places on higher education institutions, since the efficient use of these instruments is crucial for the country’s economic growth. To keep pace with the rapid changes in the economy, the Department's lecturers create new study modules that integrate various fields. These include Entrepreneurship, Innovative Entrepreneurship in the Field of Information and Collective Technology (ICT), Accounting Management and Production Audit, Economic Methods and Models, Econometrics and Higher Mathematics, Calculus, Theory of Analysis and Statistics, Entrepreneurship and Sales Management, and Higher Mathematics and Economics. Furthermore, the Department undertakes scientific research and assists in the introduction of innovative business management methods. It offers opportunities for students to actively participate in scientific research as well as in the resolution of important financial and economic challenges. The Department has also been known to actively foster student research and its application in the real world. Today, the Department is headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor A.Ye. Vikulenko.

  • Accounting and auditing
  • Analysis and forecasting of market conditions
  • Commercial activity
  • Econometrics
  • Economic and mathematical methods
  • Finance, money circulation and credit
  • Functional and cost analysis
  • Fundamentals of expertise and diagnostics of services
  • Statistics

In 1995, SPSIT(TU) established a center for pre-university training and career guidance. Historically, the university has been proactive in its efforts to attract prospective students.
The Institute of Technology celebrated its 170th anniversary in 1998. The Scientific Council agreed to reinstate the 1870 badge for this particular occasion. It is available in bronze or silver. It was included in the State Heraldic Register under the number 237 by the State Heraldic Council of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Department was established in 1997 and progressed under two prominent scientists and teachers: Associate Professor I.A. German who was one of the pioneers of the domestic scientific school of industrial accident examination and Professor K.S. Krivtsov who was a renowned expert in the field of industrial construction. The Department's research initiatives are closely tied to those of the founding scientists and are dictated by the demands of the domestic chemical industry. In keeping with the history of the Department, research is currently conducted in the following areas: processing of man-made and municipal waste into environmental products, use of electrophysical phenomena to intensify mechanochemical and physico-chemical processes in order to reduce their energy intensity and improve the environmental and technical safety of modern industries. It also studies the application of electrophysical water treatment to control metabolic processes in the human body (medicine and cosmetics), electrical technologies for the intensification of agricultural production (crop production, animal husbandry, and poultry farming), search for new scientific and technical solutions to ensure fire and explosion safety, scientific and methodological support for environmental assessment and audit procedures, and theoretical foundations of fire and industrial safety. The most significant accomplishments in these fields are the creation and implementation of an electrophysical method for lowering energy consumption in large-tonnage crushing and grinding technologies. Another priority is the development of technology for processing man-made and household garbage into sorbents, catalysts, and filter materials by a number of domestic enterprises. The Department's employees engaged in environmental evaluations for major national projects like the High-Speed Saint Petersburg-Moscow Highway, the Construction of a Transport Bypass in Saint Petersburg, the Vsevolozhsky Aluminum Plant, the Vsevolozhskaya GT TPP, and others. Today, the Department is headed by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor G.K. Ivakhniuk.


  • Analysis of man-made and natural disasters
  • Computer technologies in environmental protection
  • Earth sciences
  • Ecology
  • Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
  • Environmental protection in emergency situations
  • Environmental protection processes and devices
  • Fundamentals of scientific research
  • Fundamentals of the design of environmental facilities
  • Human physiology
  • Industrial and medical life support systems
  • Industrial ecology
  • Introduction to environmental engineering
  • Medical and biological bases of life safety
  • Methods and devices of environmental control and environmental monitoring
  • Metrology, standardization, and certification
  • Noxology
  • Oversight and control in the field of safety
  • Radioecology
  • Reliability of technical systems and technology-related risk
  • Safety of equipment and technological processes
  • Sanitary and chemical examination of products and materials
  • Technosphere safety management
  • Theoretical foundations of environmental protection
  • Toxicology

The Department was established in 2002 as part of the Philosophy Department. The first head of the department was Doctor of Historical Sciences A.A. Mikhailov. In 2011, with the restructuring of the institution, the Department was merged into the Faculty of Economics and Management. The Department has had a jurisprudence program in place since 2012. Professors in the Department teach courses and lead seminars in the fields of Russian history and cultural studies, while teachers in the law division teach legal subjects (postgraduate courses in Fundamentals of Law, Jurisprudence, and Protection of Intellectual Property). The History course provides students with a thorough overview of the important events throughout Russian history, revealing how the past and the present are connected. The Department is engaged in active research and various scientific and methodological activities. Teachers participate in high-level scientific conferences. In April 2017, the Department's employees organized and hosted a roundtable discussion commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Russian revolution of 1917. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor A.B. Gurkin has headed the Department since 2003.


  • Cultural studies
  • Fundamentals of law
  • History
  • Intellectual property protection
  • Jurisprudence

The Department was established in 2003. Its primary research areas are the methodological foundations of scientific analysis, management decisions, intra-company communications theory and conflict management. Other areas include ecology and innovation as the foundation of modern effective organizational culture and brand management. Personnel Management and Advertising as well as Public Relations Specialist and Bachelor programs were introduced in 2011. Students learn the theory and practice of social and psychological influence on customers, as well as the theory of workplace motivation and methods for studying workplace psychology. Graduates of the Department are in high demand on the labor market as they can readily adjust to changes in dynamic market situations, incorporating knowledge of management, economics, organization, and decision motivation. The majority of graduates choose to work in the North-Western Federal District. Today, the Department is headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor A.A. Dorogovtseva, whose research interests revolve around environmental safety management and communication studies.

  • Business communication
  • HR records management
  • Information technologies in personnel management
  • Legal regulation of personnel management
  • Management
  • Motivation and stimulation of labor activity
  • Organization and rationing of labor
  • Personnel management
  • Personnel planning and audit
  • Personnel social development management
  • Psychophysiology of professional activity

The Department was established in 2004. The first graduation of specialists took place in 2007. The Department teaches bachelors and masters in energy and resource-saving strategies in chemical technology, petrochemistry, and biotechnology, as well as the rational use of raw materials and energy resources. Graduates of the Department work on processes and devices in the chemical, oil refining, petrochemical, and biotechnological industries, as well as on technological systems and installations, control and design systems, waste processing plants, the utilization of heat and energy flows, secondary materials, and more. The Department’s graduates frequently find employment with leading manufacturing and engineering companies in Russia and neighboring countries, such as Kirishinefteorgsintez, Lengiproneftekhim, Rosneft, Gazprom-Neft, NPF Olkat, PMP, PPT, Alvega, TEKNIP RUS, Aliter-Axi, NEFTEKHIMPROEKT, Norilsk Nickel, IBCON, IBCO ltd., etc. More than half of the Department's workforce are young teachers who use their senior colleagues' expertise and experience to develop novel teaching methods. A student research society has been established and is flourishing at the Department, bringing together students who are passionate about and willing to contribute their spare time to science. The Department’s staff and the student research society are members of the research team at the Laboratory of Catalytic Technologies, where they conduct research on the process of alkylation of isobutane with light olefins on solid catalysts using reaction-rectification technologies under grant No. 381 of the Government of the Russian Federation. Today, the Department is headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor N.V. Kuzichkin.

  • Automation of engineering calculations
  • Automation of enterprise design
  • Catalysis, catalytic processes and reactors
  • Chemical and technological process control systems
  • Information resources and systems
  • Integration of the main processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry, and biotechnology
  • Introduction to the specialty
  • Mathematical methods of calculations and optimization
  • Mathematical methods of modeling complex systems
  • Metrology, standardization and certification
  • Modeling of energy- and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology
  • Resource saving in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology
  • System analysis of chemical technology processes
  • Techno-economic analysis in chemical, petrochemical industries and biotechnology
  • The fundamentals of mixture separation processes
  • Theoretical foundations of energy and resource saving in chemical technology
  • Transport phenomena

The Department of Business Informatics was created in 2011. The Faculty of Economics and Management had adequate resources to train bachelors in this discipline, allowing it to get a state license for their graduation and to pass accreditation. Business informatics is a bachelor's degree program that prepares students to operate successfully in the fields of electronic commerce and business analytics. Business Software Applications Professionals are specialists who may increase business productivity by using information and communication technology. The Department of Business Informatics offers Bachelor’s programs teaching to utilize a process approach to reduce problematic areas of an enterprise. The e-business training profile also allows students to develop expertise in the realm of new Web technologies. The Department's lecturers are well qualified experts in science and technology who hold advanced degrees. Currently, the Government of the Russian Federation has created and adopted the “Strategy of the Information Society Development in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030”. The Department of Business Informatics actively contributes to the implementation of the program. Today, the Department is headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor A.P. Taburchak.

  • Computing systems, networks, and telecommunications
  • Data analysis
  • Data warehouses
  • Databases
  • Decision support systems
  • Development of the information society
  • Electronic business
  • Enterprise architecture
  • Enterprise IT infrastructure
  • Fuzzy logic and neural networks
  • ICT markets and sales organization
  • Information law
  • Information lifecycle management
  • Information security
  • IT services and content management
  • Object-oriented analysis and programming
  • Production company management information systems
  • Programming
  • Standardization, certification and quality management of software
  • Theoretical foundations of computer science. Simulation modeling

The end of the 1990s witnessed the harmonization of Russia's whole higher education system with the European Bologna system, which involved the introduction of two stages in higher education: a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. SPSIT(TU) has now moved to this system in most departments, allowing students to choose a more flexible educational path.
A significant transformation in the university's educational structure mandated the reorganization of educational programs so that graduates obtained a full-fledged higher education after four years of study rather than five and a half as previously. Holders of the bachelor’s degree from SPSIT(TU) soon demonstrated that their qualifications enable them to successfully complete the responsibilities they were entrusted with by various businesses and organizations.
Some departments maintain the Specialist Degree in accordance with Russian educational system traditions. Graduates obtain a Specialist Degree in programs that have shown to be extremely successful in the training of technologists.
The Institute of Technology has a long history of international collaboration. The university has worked with partners from Austria, Algeria, Belgium, Denmark, Bulgaria, Germany, China, Norway, Syria, the United States, Finland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, South Korea, and Japan, and has over 20 cooperation agreements with international institutions and enterprises. Honorary professors and Doctors of Science of SPSIT(TU) include world-renowned university academics.

Currently, scientists noted for their successes in different sectors of chemistry, chemical technology, and engineering, work in the many departments and labs at the Institute of Technology, continuing the Institute's traditions of scientific inquiry. Among them are 29 Academicians and Corresponding Members of Russian and international academies, 12 Honored Workers of Science of the Russian Federation, 3 Honored Workers of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, 9 Honored Workers of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, 20 Honorary Workers of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, 6 Laureates of the State Prize and the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 3 Laureates of State Prizes and Prizes of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Field of Science and Technology. More than 30 employees have been awarded State orders and medals in recognition of their significant contribution to industrial production.

The Department was formed in February 2014 as a result of a merger of departments related to silicate materials, including:
- Departments of Chemical Technology of Glass and General Technology of Silicates (which was founded in 1998 as a result of the merger of two other departments);
- Department of Chemical Technology of Construction Materials and Special Binders;
- Department of Chemical Technology of Fine Technical Ceramics.
The newly established Department was originally headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences A.P. Shevchik. Departments that have implemented advancements in the development of glass and silicate materials manufacturing since the 1930s have played a significant role in its growth. Among them was the Department of Glass Technology, which was established in our country for the first time in 1931. Professor N.N. Kachalov, a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1933, was elected as its chairman. The Department has been headed by Professors K.S. Evstropyev, G.I. Zhuravlev, V.D. Khalilev, and D.F. Ushakov. In parallel, Academician D.S. Belyankin established the Department of General Silicate Technology at the Institute in 1931. The Department became part of the Department of Glass Technology and General Silicate Technology in 1998. From 1938 to 1968, the Department was led by D.S. Belyankin's student, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR N.A. Toropov, and from 1968 to 1983 by Professor N.F. Fedorov. Eventually the Department was integrated into the Department of Glass Technology and General Silicate Technology in 1998. Currently, the joint Department graduates Bachelors, Masters, and Candidates and Doctors of Sciences in the fields of glass technology, binders, ceramics, and refractories through the Chemical Technology (focusing on chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials) and Materials Science and Materials Technology programs.

  • Binders for the modern construction industry
  • Chemical technology of high-temperature materials
  • Chemical technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials
  • Composite ceramics for modern technology
  • Glassy and composite glass-crystal materials for modern technology
  • Materials science and high-temperature nanostructured structural materials and products

Over the course of its history, the Institute has trained over 75,000 specialists. Over 110 Institute alumni have been elected as academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and branch academies. 
In 2018, the Laboratory of Cellular Biotechnology developed a novel chemical molecule that boosts the synthesis of a particular protein with potential applications in fighting cancer. The protein activates the natural process of self-destruction in cells that have experienced a genetic breakdown. In general, the body does not respond to cancer, however the Institute’s scientists were able to launch this defensive system manually.
The university is a co-executor of research projects commissioned by industrial firms, which are carried out within the framework of federal target programs of various ministries and departments. From 2008 to 2018, the university partnered with almost 400 companies. Based on the university's traditional physicochemical scientific foundation on the thermodynamic compatibility of components from diverse classes of refractory substances, composite nanofragmented materials and products with the broadest functional purpose were developed. Some of their qualities, particularly refractory and ceramic, are unique and have no equivalents anywhere in the world.

Scientists have made significant technological breakthroughs in the chemical construction of materials for electronics, medicine, and nuclear power. They developed one of the methods for obtaining nanostructured heterophase systems, namely the molecular layering method. It was obtained at the Institute of Technology's Department of Solid Chemistry and has now become a classic tool in chemical technology. Research in the field of physico-chemical design and diagnostics of functional materials is carried out at the Faculty of Chemistry of Substances and Materials on the basis of the Departments of Physical Chemistry, Electrochemical Production Technology, Inorganic Chemistry, Colloidal Chemistry, and General Chemical Technology and Catalysis. Simultaneously, polymer chemistry is evolving, with an emphasis on tackling the challenges posed by microelectronics and nanophotonics. Scientists are developing novel membranes and catalytic systems to address concerns related to hydrogen energy and nanomaterial technology. 
The research programs at SPSIT(TU) include the creation of technologies for genetically engineered vaccines for the protection of humans and animals. Other programs include developing a vaccine preparation against viral infection based on the design of highly purified protective antigens with a biocompatible polymer carrier. Lastly, research is focused on generating methods for monitoring the integral environmental toxicity.

The complex technology of biotechnological processing of urban waste created at our university won the 2006 Government of Russia Prize in Science and Technology. At the EXPO-2010 exposition in Shanghai, innovations made by scientists and technologists in the field of extracting motor fuels from marine bio resources were recognized with a gold medal and a special prize.
A molecular pharmacology lab has been built at the university using a grant from the Russian government. Professor Gennaro Melino, an authority on carcinogenesis, has helped with the management of the lab. Currently, this is Russia's only laboratory equipped with specialized analytical tools capable of replicating the entire process of developing new pharmaceuticals.

Young academics are supported via a program run by SPSIT(TU). Renowned university scientists who have been unquestionable authorities in both science and higher education impart their knowledge to novice coworkers. As a result, commitment to long-standing traditions of top-notch higher education is paired with responsiveness to cutting-edge 21st-century technology.
Students attend lectures on a variety of subjects read by prominent foreign experts and professors from partner institutions. They frequently take part in international conferences and seminars. Currently, the Institute is putting in place a multi-level system for educating experts that would be accepted by all institutions worldwide. The university pays significant attention to the academic mobility of students and instructors. Internships are common, as are summer schools and international student conferences. The Ministry of Education and Science, interuniversity agreements, foreign funding, and other mechanisms are used to send students abroad to study.

More than 400 postgraduates and international students are trained in full- and part-time programs at the Institute each year. Approximately 3,000 foreign professionals who are actively engaged in the design and development of chemical production technologies in Russia and the CIS, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe have been trained by SPSIT(TU) to date. 
The Institute of Technology belongs to the global association ICEF (International Consultants for Education and Fairs). The university actively participates in conferences, seminars, and exhibitions of educational services held across the world. Outstanding scientists from all around the world have honorary professor and doctor positions at the Institute of Technology.
The Institute's main strategic goal is to produce a new generation of highly qualified professionals in the disciplines of chemical technology, biotechnology, information and resource-saving technologies, energy and metallurgy, materials science, and mechanical engineering. The Institute also focuses on economics, management, automation and control, as well as cybernetics, robotics, and the design of contemporary high-tech enterprises. Its job is to make sure that graduates have the skills to tackle the challenges posed by the latest economic developments in Russia. The Institute’s graduates are in high demand on the job market. Their training allows to quickly adapt to a competitive market and pursue continuing professional education.

The primary strategic objectives of SPSIT(TU) are to continually improve research and training policies so as to account for global industrial and economic trends primarily in the area of chemistry, chemical technologies (including IT), and functional materials. Organizational and structural reforms are implemented in both teaching and research as per the ongoing development of education. Efforts are made to ensure the provision of material and technical base of the Institute including scientific equipment and devices. SPSIT(TU) places emphasis on the preparation of highly qualified professionals for careers in science and business as well as the training of researchers and teaching staff.

The Department was founded in 2016 as part of the Faculty of Chemistry of Substances and Materials. It was formed on the initiative of the Department of Theoretical Foundations of Materials Science and the Department of Chemical Technology of Refractory Nonmetallic and Silicate Materials. Its organization was approved by the University management and supported by the Department of Network Form of Realization of Educational Programs of the Educational and Methodological Management. The formation of the Department was a logical step in the development of a long-term creative collaboration with OOO Virial, which is a developer and one of the main Russian manufacturers of wear-resistant products made of ceramic and metal-ceramic materials and hard alloys. These include plain bearings, mechanical seals, cutting tools, abrasive blasting nozzles, and armor elements. The major goal of the Department is to create a practice-oriented training for students, which entails carrying out research projects under the guidance of highly trained Virial professionals while also gaining access to cutting-edge manufacturing, research, and testing facilities. Students can then find jobs at companies with similar profiles or be employed by the company immediately after graduating. Postgraduates receive vital expertise in handling real-world scientific and production challenges by being able to integrate theoretical study with industrial practice. By working in a team, they also become familiar with workplace discipline. Today, the Department is headed by the General Director of OOO Virial, Candidate of Technical Sciences V.I. Rumyantsev.

  • Materials science and technology of high-temperature materials and products
  • Methods of testing and control of high-temperature structural materials
  • Processing of modern structural materials by cutting

The Department was established on the basis of the I.V. Grebenshchikov Institute of Silicate Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2016. This is the first Department formed in cooperation with industry of the Institute of Technology, established in the 21st century. Its task is to improve the level and quality of practice-oriented training in the main professional educational programs. The Department offers programs in the areas of Materials Science and Materials Technology, Materials of Photonics, Optoelectronics, and Lighting Engineering (Master’s program), and Materials Science and Technologies of Lighting Engineering, Optoelectronics and Information Display Media (Bachelor’s program). Today, the Department is headed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Silicate Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, V.Ya. Shevchenko.

  • Amorphous materials for optics and photonics
  • Building materials science
  • Chemical methods for obtaining nanomaterials and nanocomposites
  • Chemical resistance of materials and corrosion protection
  • Computer technologies in the chemistry of molecular and solid-phase substances
  • Construction materials engineering
  • Fundamentals of optoelectronics
  • Information technologies in solid-state materials science
  • Innovation, invention and introduction into production
  • Materials and technologies of additive manufacturing
  • Materials based on carbon and A3B5 compounds
  • Materials of lighting, optoelectronics and displays
  • Materials science
  • Materials science and technologies of modern and promising materials
  • Metalworking
  • Methodological foundations of scientific research
  • Methods of research of optical and lighting materials
  • Metrology, standardization and certification
  • Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies
  • Nanophotonics
  • New materials and technologies in the energy sector
  • New materials in construction
  • Photometry and metrology of displays
  • Polymer materials for additive technologies
  • Solid-state physics
  • Special issues of materials science
  • Tolerances and fits

The Department was founded in 2016 at the Faculty of Chemistry of Substances and Materials. The establishment of the Department was the result of a long and fruitful cooperation between employees from a number of laboratories at the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute and the Department of Physical Chemistry. Their joint effort led to fruitful collaboration between the Departments and the joint training of highly qualified personnel. Students are immersed in the scientific environment from the earliest years of their studies, which is a distinctive aspect of the Department's process of education. Teachers encourage students to independently publish articles in prestigious Russian and international scientific journals, participate in conferences, and enter science contests following their first major findings. Work is currently underway to create a new master’s degree program to address the demand for staff in the labs of the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute. Today, the Department is headed by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Chemical Sciences V.V. Gusarov.

  • Chemical technology of nanostructures and functional materials
  • Physical chemistry
  • Physical chemistry and solid-state chemistry
  • Physicochemical design and chemical technology of nanostructures and functional materials
  • Solid-state chemistry and materials chemistry

2016 saw the issuance of a new license for SPSIT(TU) to carry out educational activities in professional educational programs after state accreditation.

The Department was established in 2017 by combining three departments: the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Rubber (founded in 1931), the Department of Chemical Technology of Plastics (founded in 1929), and the Department of Chemical Technology of Organic Coatings (founded in 1932). The accomplishments of all the aforementioned scientific and teaching collectives are intricately entwined with the history of the new department. The chemistry of organoelement compounds is one of the key study areas established at the Department. Professor V.O. Reichsfeld established the Leningrad school of organoelement compounds in the middle of the 1970s. The study of catalytic hydrosilylation, which serves as the basis for the synthesis of numerous organosilicon monomers, oligomers, and polymers as well as the curing of siloxane compositions, is the primary area currently studied by V.O. Reichsfeld's students. The Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Ministry of Education, the Administration of St. Petersburg, the Presidential Grants for Young Scientists, and contracts with Dow Corning (USA) and Ausimont (Italy), among others, have all provided funding for these investigations. The development of catalytic systems with optically active ligands to offer asymmetric induction in the hydrosilylation reaction of prochiral substrates is now the key area of attention. The insight gained from studying hydrosilylation applies to catalyzing other processes as well. Today, the Department is headed by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor N.V. Sirotinkin.

  • Aging and stabilization of polymers
  • Chemistry and physics of polymer composite materials
  • Chemistry and physics of polymers
  • Chemistry and technology of elastomers
  • Chemistry and technology of latex rubbers
  • Chemistry and technology of paint coatings
  • Chemistry of monomers
  • Chemistry of oligomers and polymers
  • Dispersion polymer composite materials
  • Fundamentals of design and equipment of polymer production
  • General chemical technology of polymers
  • General purpose plastics technology
  • Manufacturing of products made of polymer materials
  • Organoelement polymer materials
  • Paint and varnish materials and functional coatings
  • Pigments and filled polymer compositions
  • Technical properties of polymer materials
  • Technology and properties of polymer coatings
  • Technology of polymer materials

The Institute of Technology is still regarded as one of Russia's top technological institutions. At Technolozhka, the goal of training is to fuel the growth of domestic industry and science. It is based on a combination of the highest educational standards, exceptional scientific and technological accomplishments, excellence in research and production practices, and ensuring ongoing multi-level professional training.

The Institute of Technology is a research, development, and knowledge dissemination hub for innovative research. It upholds rigorous standards for both teaching and scientific inquiry.